* 101 W Main St. Mail Unit 13 Courthouse Room 109 *
* Fredericksburg, TX 78624-3700 *
* Phone 830-997-6515 * Fax 830-997-9958 * 

* Jury Info Line 830-990-4117 *

Office Hours:  Monday - Friday ~ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm ~ Closed Holidays

Lindsey Brown

County Clerk

     The Gillespie County Clerk serves as the official record keeper for the official Public Records involving real property, records all documents for County Court, Commissioners Court, and the County Probate Court.  
     Please be advised that Gillespie County is a Constitutional County Court and a Statutory Court with the County Court at Law. 

Civil Court Forms

Links for Orders of Non-Disclosure

On the following txcourts.gov page, you will find the petition, overview and instructions to the Order of Nondisclosure.


Records Search
(Click above for the
E-file Texas Website)

Supreme Court Ruling:  
E-filing will be mandatory in civil cases in the district courts, statutory county courts, constitutional county courts and statutory probate courts according to the following implementation schedule based upon the counties’ 2010 Federal Census population; therefore, Courts in Gillespie County (with a population of 20,000 to 49,999) must begin using E-File on January 1, 2016.  
(Click above for the Training Videos for Filers Website)